Friday, December 26, 2008

Information war and economics

Since it´s development, the media has always been the brainfood and intellectual source for human societies. Today´s media is global, highly reliable and fast. It can provide all sort of information and is published almost in every corner of the world. The modern media can be either manipulative or concentrated. Dependent newsrooms have criterias and interests, which are usually related to earnings and ratings.
Media has always had it´s role in society. It helps to point and reflect the problems that concern us. Media also creates and makes people or turns them into something ugly. It can make things controversial or turn them around. For example, we all remember O.J. Simpson case. The ordinary courtcase was turned into a show. Either way, it has a power to create, build and make new opinions. Press has its hidden power in society, which the reporters and journalists are anxoius to use in full force in every possible chance.
We all know, that the world is in financial crisis. And it doesn´t concern person before it has touched his wallet. The layoffs and foreclosurer make the economic picture even more worse for the average people. Every month´s new data is more horrifying than the last. The average peson didn´t care about what happened before Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. If it doesn´t concern his welfare, then who gives a thing about some bank, whose services you have never even used. But then again, it all changed after Lehman
Since then, the news are only talking about financial crisis. I know, that this is the biggest crisis since The Great Depression and it is also the most widespread, thanks to globalization, free market system and capitalism. And it is impossible not to speak about it. But it seems to me that media is using the current crisis to get the viewers and readers and it doesn´t pull back, if it needs to spice the headlines with little more robust sentences, to get the ratings.
The media has done it´s work very well and gotten everybody aware of the crisis. I think that every living soul on planet Earth now knows what we are dealing with.
I went to the church on Christmas and the priest talked about the economy and financial crisis almost one quarter of the speech. In his tone of voice, I could hear the fear, agony and dissapointment. It was very different from the usual Christmas´ speech. Other example was my child´s kindergarden teacher. That woman has spoken all these years about happy things and chlidren, but suddenly she speaks of the crisis. Fear and horror are just light words to describe people´s reactions and toughts about this crisis, because people are often scared by the headlines of their local newspapers, which help to create panic and make people more depresses. But who do people believe? Its the media of course.
I have noticed that almost all the news publishers have gone a little bit „yellow”. I tought myself, that it´s like this because the publishers need to get their ratings and earnings to cope with the hard times. The competition for the readers clicks or orders is mostly working through the manipulation of the reader itself. The economic news are like the Papparazzi magazines, which are often oriented to emotions, instead of facts. And which often create false comphrehensions.
I call these news providers subprime news offerers and the people involved in this business the subprime editors. I think those subprime newsmakers make panic, horror and depression, by amplifying the emotions instead of concentrating on facts in the news, especially the economic news, which are being passed on to the reader or viewer with gloomy expressions.
My conclusion would be simple: be careful what you read or view, it can easily manipulate you. If you don´t like the facts or the way the news are being passed on to you, switch to the trustworthy and experienced sites or stations. Do not think with emotions. And not to underestimate current situation in economy. Things are nasty and it creates stress and tensions, especially if you are unaware about the future.

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